All rights reserved Relief Inc
Our container is on the dock and people are waiting...
Please look inside your heart and HELP us today with a donation - any donations large or small will help.
I recently returned from a humanitarian trip to Liberia where I was supposed to distribute products that we shipped to their docks. I knew how corrupt the government was, so I traveled with additional funds, knowing I would be exposed to that greed. The corruption was worse than expected. The trip turned very frustrating and the containers are still being held on the docks by government officials. The Liberian government will no longer allow NGO's/Nonprofits to import certain items without imposing outrageous fees/taxes. I was told a different amount form each department in the Finance ministry. To date our containers are accruing $55.34 in fees daily as of April 21, 2013. Total due as of February 7, 2025 is $239552.45 SO PLEASE HELP!
Click here to read the story....
Phebe Fortt